If not indicated otherwise, listed courses are seminars with 1.5 hours per week during one semester and were given in German.
University of Münster |
2024 | Data Ethics (BA) |
2023/24 | Philosophy of Digital Humanities (MA) |
Free Will and Neuroscience (BA) | |
2023 | Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (BA) |
Causal Inference (BA) | |
2022/23 | Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Unexpected Events and the Limits of Induction in Economics, Politics and Society (MA) |
What is Matter? From Ancient Conceptions to Quantum Field Theory (BA, with Prof. Dr. Kurt Bayertz and Prof. Dr. Peter Rohs) | |
2022 | Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence (MA) |
Logical and Physical Problems of Identity (BA, with Prof. Dr. Niko Strobach, in English) | |
2021/22 | Bayesian Epistemology (MA) |
Hume’s Argument Against Miracles (BA) | |
2021 | Epistemic Justification (BA) |
Introduction to Contemporary Debates in Analytic Philosophy (BA) | |
2021/22 | Philosophy of Climate Science (MA) |
The Problem of Theodicy (BA) | |
2020 | Aristotle on Substances (BA) |
2019/20 | Mechanisms, Macro Causation, Interlevel Causation (MA) |
Language and Reality (BA) | |
History of the Philosophy of Language (BA) | |
2019 | Reduction and Emergence (MA) |
Leibniz vs Locke on Epistemology (BA) | |
2018/19 | Logic II: Logic and Quantum Physics (BA, with Prof. Dr. Niko Strobach) |
Mind & Body: Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (BA) | |
2017/18 | Inductive Inferences and Inductive Methods (MA, with Prof. Dr. Oliver Scholz) |
Nancy Cartwright on Laws (of Nature) (MA) | |
2017 | Part and Whole: Puzzles of Composition (MA) |
Philosophy of Quantum Physics (BA, with Prof. Dr. Peter Rohs) | |
2016/17 | Critical Rationalism (BA) |
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (BA, lecture) | |
2016 | Science and Religion (BA) |
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (BA, lecture) | |
2015/16 | Paradigms in the Humanities (BA) |
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (BA, lecture) | |
2015 | Scientific Explanations of Action (BA) |
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (BA, lecture) | |
The Philosophy of Peter van Inwagen (MA, with Dr. Ludger Jansen) | |
2014/15 | Science and Pseudoscience (BA) |
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (BA, lecture) | |
2014 | Philosophy and Neuroscience of Perception (BA) |
Causation and Correlation (MA) | |
2013/14 | Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science (MA) |
University of Bremen |
2013 | Introduction to Metaphysics (BA) |
2012 | Scientific Realism or Instrumentalism? (BA) |
2011/12 | Leibniz’ Metaphysics (BA) |
2011 | Introduction to Hume’s Epistemology (BA) |
2010/11 | Realism and Antirealism (BA) |
2010 | Space, Time, Relativity (BA) |
2009 | Introduction to the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (BA) |